Wenbin Wei


Wenbin Wei is Chinese to the core. He enjoys working in the Curtis Cell Physics Group a lot; it combines his favorite subjects in high school, biology and physics. It took him some years to find his current research focus. As an undergraduate, he studied high energy physics but found it difficult to make a meaningful contribution to the field. So recalling his other favorite subject, he applied for a position in biophysics. Despite the differences in the two fields, he would not call his study of high energy physics a waste of time because it has given him a unique perspective. He is constantly trying to adopt concepts and methods in high energy physics into biophysics research. He also cherishes the hope that the Tao Te Ching could help him understand nature's wisdom. Besides movies and music, he has a weird hobby of searching research topics.


  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Physics 2012-Present
  • University of Science and Technology of China, B.S. Physics 2012


Wenbin is trying to answer how polysaccharide synthase controls product length without a template.